Emmitt Jackson

Emmitt Jackson's Fundraiser

Help Send Me "Over the Edge"! image

Help Send Me "Over the Edge"!

I am going to #BeBrave for Kids!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$2,149 towards $1,000

Help me help child abuse victims!

I will be brave by rappelling down the side of Apogee Stadium on Saturday, May 6 to support kids who show the ultimate bravery by coming forward with their stories of physical and sexual abuse.

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal.
Children's Advocacy Center for North Texas empowers child abuse victims, their families and our community through education, healing and justice. By supporting me, you are helping the Center coordinate investigations of child abuse and provide therapy, family assistance and prevention education in our community at no charge. These are vital, life-affirming, services that these children may find at no other place.
Child sexual abuse occurs in our community every day, with traumatic effects on children and families. Together we can make sure kids get the healing they deserve.